September 1919 to March 1969
The year was 1919 the War to end all Wars was over.
The United States was prospering,the roaring 20's were just about upon us.
On a small sharecroppers farm about 5 miles south of Ville Platte, Louisiana,
Jules and Rose Attales were about to give birth to there first son, they
named him Wilson he was born September,13, 1919. He was my Father. Wilson
grew up on the family farm, working very hard and also going to school in
Ville Platte where he graduated. Soon after the it began to look as if the
World would go to War once again, Wilson Joined the US Army and was sent
to the Pacific Theater of Operation. While stationed at Camp Beauregard,
an Army camp just north of Alexandria, Louisiana, Wilson met his sweetheart
Marjorie Rabalais. They were married in September, 1942. From this union
came 9 healthy children, 6 girls and 3 boys. Yvonne, Sheila, Gerard (thats
me), Janet, Craig , Beth, Lola , Mark and Suzanne. After coming home from
the war Wilson got a job with Central Louisiana Electric Company. The Attales
home was made in Ville Platte, Louisiana. Wilson worked very hard and was
able to send his children to Catholic School. Wilson was an honest God fearing
man who passed on his beliefs to his children. He was a kind and gentle man
and a stern one also, but only when needed. He instilled in us moral values
we hold dear today. Wilson was a great Father and a family man .He loved
everyone and everyone loved him. He was know around the Ville Platte area
as a great Cajun cook and was asked often to provide his cooking expertise
at many different functions. A better cook than he was well I don't think
you could have found one anywhere.
My father thought me everything I know about life. He showed me how to hunt squirrel, rabbit, deer, dove etc. He took me hunting all the time after I became old enough. He bought me my first shotgun when I was 10 And I still have it today. He showed me how to fish how to camp out under the stars, how to be a man. I still practice all I learned from him. He also taught me how to cook, and cooking is a very important part of my life today. Wilson Attales had to be the best Cajun cook that walked Cajun Country.
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Dad on March 6, 1969 you left this world for a better place. I was only 18 and still a child, the only regret that I have is that you left too soon. Also the fact that I was the normal teenager who did not believe that his father knew anything. Forgive me Dad for being like that and for not taking the time to show you how much you meant to me and how much I loved you. I am now an adult with a family of my own and I know how hard it is to be a father. If I can in any way be just a little bit like you then you have succeeded in raising me right. I am very proud to be able to carry your name, it is a good name and I will live up to the name you made. I wish you could have stayed around a bit longer, I know how much you love children, and you have a lot of grandchildren that you could love and be loved in return. Dad I want you to know |
how much I love and miss you. You thought me how to be a Cajun cook, a fisherman, a hunter, a camper, a father, a christian. Dad the most important thing I learned from you is how to be a man. You did your very best to teach me that. To teach all your children how to be good adults. I am only one of 9 but I can say this much, you were a wonderful teacher and a wonderful Father. I miss you Dad and I love you very much.